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Want to be on American Idol? Winning this contest will help speed things up

Get in the fast lane to the American Idol judges!
Credit: 13OYS

If you are a singer who would like to compete on American Idol, you may want to take part in Festival Idol. The winner gets a silver ticket that will get you straight to the American Idol Producers and a flight and hotel for the competition.

The contest is an individual singing showcase. Talent contestants will be judged on stage presence, song choice, vocal performance, articulation & projection, audience appeal, and uniqueness. All decisions by the judges are final.

The singing lineup will be announced the night of the event. Time Limit: One minute clip of a song, maximum.

Contestants may be penalized for exceeding the time limit.

Award Determination: The scoring judges will each award up to 10 points per category, for a total of 60 points.

Final determination is based on total points.

The Grand Haven Coast Guard Festival will provide a keyboard, all other instruments must be provided by contestants. Karaoke/audio CDs are not permitted.

If you'd like to register to participate, click here

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